Understanding the financial and economic system is part of the equation. But also, being aware of how state institutions and public policies are being run is equally important. Financially Wise seeks to empower youth in their citizenship journey through dedicated programs targeting financial and budget Literacy in addition to understanding core public financial management functions.
The proposed study seeks to identify shortcomings and issues in the current taxation system in Lebanon and offer actionable recommendations for enhancing its efficiency and fairness, with the ultimate goal of supporting the country's sustainable recovery through evidence-based taxation reform.
Design and conduct for you highly engaging awareness and learning sessions using active learning techniques and help you measure their impact
Create for you high quality content adapted to your needs.
Design and develop educational and learning tools including e-learning, microlearning, games, etc. that attract and engage the young learners
Help you Collect, Analyze and Visualize data that achieve your goals
Training for youth within the program "Engaging Youth in Public Financial Policies & Governance" in cooperation with IoF and UNODC
Value and Values Award is a writing competition that gives young people, a space to voice their opinions through a short piece of 800 words and talking about their values in life and how they’re reflected in the economy.
Fin Wise was awarded an honorary mention for the Arab Financial Inclusion Innovation Prize 2019
In partnership with the IoF and UNICEF, the Lebanon Citizen Budget dashboard was developed to transform budget data into interactive digital content easily accessible and reusable by the public.
Development of an extracurricular online module on financial education in partnership with LAL.
Awareness session during the global money week
FinWise has actively contributed in providing awareness sessions to more than 100 young women
Get ready for Global Money Week 2021 (22 - 28 March 2021). This year's theme is " Take care of yourself, take care of your money".
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